Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Everyday is a good day!

Every moment that has passed, and every moment that is to come is a blessing.

I truly appreciate those in my life on a personal level, as well as a professional level. The past several weeks have been extremely creative for me and I have even shocked myself. I can't take credit for this. Its because of God alone.

To think, that I was actually considering canceling my art show a few days ago. For what?

Because my nerves started getting to me. I wasn't sure if I would be able to create quality art. I started to doubt myself and said "what am I getting myself into?" I was concerned about people coming or not coming. Fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter what people think, or how many come. This is more about me sharing my passion and not about the money. That's just a bonus. I've found the outlet that bests fits me and my emotions.

Enough of the foolishness. I set my goals and I'm half way there! <<< I said that with my chest btw :)

As I've been told....I paint with my heart, are you ready to listen?

May 12, 2012 2pm - 5pm @ The Arts of Monarchs 125 Main St. Spfld, Mass/USA 

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