Friday, October 19, 2012

The bad news is time flies...

"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." ~  Michael Althsuler

It has been AGES since I posted updates on here. Yikes!!! I think my last post was back in June or July! 
Welp, let's not dwell in the past but focus on the future. I often encourage people I interact with online and offline, to take everyday as an opportunity. An opportunity to work towards your short-term and long term goals. An opportunity to be greater than you were yesterday. No matter how big or how little of a step you take, take those steps towards what you aspire to do or be. As the saying goes, you have to crawl before you walk, walk before you run, run before you can fly. Okay, I added the "run before you can fly". But hey, why not! lol. Take flight and soar. Spring your wings and don't limit yourself. Believe that you can and you will. You're only as successful as you allow yourself to be. I'm not saying anything new, but saying it as as a reminder for myself as well. Lately I've been struggling with what I want to do, what is my mission, what are my goals and where am I trying to take them. I know that I am not alone and will be successful. Have a great weekend and be sure to check out for updates, online shopping, and much more! 


  1. <3! Always good to get those reminders!

    1. Yes indeed. It's always refreshing to have awesome people in your life to remind you and to be able to feed off their energy; in turn going forward to create great things.
