Thursday, April 26, 2012

Estetika Exposure Trading Cards!?!?

Up late in preparation for my upcoming art show and the brain is constantly working.

I have an idea! Golly gee whiskers you say? .... Okay, maybe not. lol But in addition to the Estetika Greeting Cards that will be released this year (pause you never mentioned that on here!), I had an idea of creating ATC cards.

If you aren't familiar with what an ATC is, go ahead and google it. I'll wait..................................................... okay. For those of you who turned your nose up at me :) ATC (click here for the history) is Artist Trading Cards. The dimensions on these cards are 2 1/2 x 3 1/2. They are small and can be challenging to work with, at least for me, but who's not up for a good challenge!?

So I thought it would be cool to do. I've also found out about a ATC exchange coming up. The deadline to submit 3 ATC's is May 11th. That's one day before my art show! I'm wondering if I would be pushing it by participating but I really want to do it! The theme is Asian and each month there will be a new theme focusing on different cultures which I think is awesome!

Stay tuned for more!

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